Acupuncture, Can acupuncture be done at home?

Is it possible to perform Galapagos Acupuncture at home? Do you intend to do it yourself? Yes, it is possible but if you’re going to ask us about safety, we’re here to tell you that doing acupuncture on yourself comes with dangers and risks. The only person who is qualified and licensed to perform acupuncture is a certified acupuncturist.

How is acupuncture performed?

Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM. It involves inserting sterile needles into your skin in specific parts of your body. It is mainly used to relieve body pain. When done continuously, you will achieve improved health and wellness. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners, acupuncture is a unique technique used to balance the flow of energy in your body. This energy is known as qi. The energy is believed to flow through invisible pathways called meridians. A person is said to be unwell or sick if the flow of energy is blocked. Through the insertion of these needles, energy balance will be restored. Western practitioners, on the other hand, say acupuncture points are used to stimulate connective tissues, muscles and nerves. This stimulation is said to enhance your body’s natural ability to alleviate pain.

Why is acupuncture done?

Generally, acupuncture helps relieve pain and discomfort but it also alleviates other symptoms such as neck pain, low back pain, headaches, migraines, tension headaches, nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy, labor pain, dental pain, menstrual cramps, osteoarthritis and allergic rhinitis.

What are the dangers of doing acupuncture at home?

When acupuncture is done by a certified acupuncturist, the risks are extremely low. However, you will still experience minor bleeding, some soreness and bruising on the sites where the needles were inserted. Don’t worry, the discomfort will subside after a few days. These symptoms are normal. The risk of infection is also low because a qualified acupuncturist would know the importance of proper sterilization. These are the reasons why you should let a professional do it. If you have no experience in acupuncture and if you only rely on YouTube videos and DIY blogs, you’re risking your health. Acupuncture is only done on patients who qualify for the procedure. Those who have bleeding disorders or those taking blood thinners are at risk of bleeding and bruising from the needle insertion. People who have pacemakers are also not encouraged to go through acupuncture therapy as it interferes with the device’s operation. Pregnant women should not receive acupuncture as it stimulates labor. This can lead to premature delivery.

So you see, although acupuncture is safe, it’s not for everyone. Amateurs should not attempt to do it at home.

How do you choose the best acupuncturist in your area?

If you want to give acupuncture a try, you should do your research and be patient so you can find the best acupuncturist to perform the therapy. How do you find the best one? Easy, you just have to follow the steps below.

Ask your family and friends for recommendations especially those who constantly go through acupuncture therapy sessions.

Check the acupuncturist’s credentials. In America, most states require acupuncturists to take an exam by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Make sure the acupuncturist you choose has passed this exam.

Set an appointment and ask your practitioner about the treatment and the cost. This will let you know if you made the right choice and if their fees are in line with your budget.


Acupuncture offers numerous health benefits you just have to make sure you find a qualified acupuncturist to do it. As mentioned earlier, it is dangerous to do acupuncture at home. Yes, you can save money but you’re risking your health and your life. Are you willing to risk it?

Dr. Ziki Dekel is a licensed acupuncturist (L.Ac.), nationally certified in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. It was his experience as a patient of acupuncture medicine, which prompted him to become a Doctor of Chinese Medicine, after receiving his B.A. from Brown University. Dr. Dekel has also practiced acupuncture at Saint Vincent’s Hospital. He currently owns and practices as Galapagos Acupuncture in Manhattan.

By Dr. Ziki Dekel

Dr. Ziki Dekel is a licensed acupuncturist (L.Ac.), nationally certified in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. It was his experience as a patient of acupuncture medicine, which prompted him to become a Doctor of Chinese Medicine, after receiving his B.A. from Brown University. Dr. Dekel has also practiced acupuncture at Saint Vincent’s Hospital. He currently owns and practices as Galapagos Acupuncture in Manhattan.