Is it possible to perform Galapagos Acupuncture at home? Do you intend to do it yourself? Yes, it is possible but if you’re going to ask us about safety, we’re here to tell you that doing acupuncture on yourself comes with dangers and risks. The only person who is qualified and licensed to perform acupuncture… Continue reading Acupuncture, Can acupuncture be done at home?
Author: Dr. Ziki Dekel
Dr. Ziki Dekel is a licensed acupuncturist (L.Ac.), nationally certified in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. It was his experience as a patient of acupuncture medicine, which prompted him to become a Doctor of Chinese Medicine, after receiving his B.A. from Brown University. Dr. Dekel has also practiced acupuncture at Saint Vincent’s Hospital. He currently owns and practices as Galapagos Acupuncture in Manhattan.